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Drywall Safety


Drywall is a construction material used to create walls and ceilings. Drywall commonly contains silica, talc, mica, and gypsum. It was invented in 1916 as a dry alternative to plaster, though it would be 25 years before it was widely accepted as a proper building material.



The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has regulations and requirements pertaining to drywall installation. OSHA also provides information on how workers can stay safe when performing drywall operations.

Government Requirements:

29 CFR 1926.1153

29 CFR 1910.134

Who Needs this Training?

Workers who perform drywall installation or drilling operations in drywall must receive training to protect themselves and others from the hazards of drywall installation.

Dangers of Remaining Uncertified

Those who remain untrained may be subject to injuries, illnesses, long-term health effects, and potential fatalities.

Included Topics:

By the end of this course, we will have covered the following topics:

Introduction – 0:20

Topic 1: Introduction to Drywall Safety – 1:51

Topic 2: Drywall Stacks – 5:12

Topic 3: Respiratory Safety – 8:33

Topic 4: Fiberglass – 2:45

Topic 5: Scaffolds – 3:50

Topic 6: Tool Safety – 2:57

Topic 7: Housekeeping – 3:40

Topic 8: Personal Protective Equipment – 2:20

Summary – 0:36


Annual recertification is recommended.


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