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Compliance Experts

We Provide Management Services for Contractors Using

 ISNetworld®, Avetta®, Veriforce®, and Many More!

Over 5000 customers trust JJ Safety to assist them with auditing platforms

Compliance With Quality

JJ Safety provides best in class safety audit strategy consulting. We work with contractors that are being required to be a part of online systems such as *ISNetworld®, AVETTA®, Compliance Pro®, Veriforce®, and many others. Whether we are writing safety program policies, helping you through your questionnaire, or providing weekly maintenance to your account you can expect top in class service from JJ Safety.

Quality Service

Our team is setup to provide your company the best support!

Custom Policies

Our team can work with you to create custom safety policies!

Free Assessment

Get your account assessed on any gaps and missing requirements.

Weekly Management

We perform weekly reviews and assessments for all our clients

compliance certification

Get The Best Support For Your Accounts Today

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Happy Clients
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Safety Programs
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5 Star Reviews

What Our Clients Have To Say About Us

JJ Safety has been great to work with! I cannot say enough good things about their level of customer service . The rep that I work with, Kristine, is amazing! I would love to get the level of care she provides from all my vendors. She has helped us navigate the uncharted waters of compliance. She is always ready with a quick and reliable answer to our questions or requests. If you need help with safety programs, reporting or how to respond to regulatory questions or audits - Kristine and JJ are the ones to call. Good people and great service!
-Joe Melcher
JJ Safety LLC has been a literal Godsend to our company. The process of connecting with companies and becoming compliant would’ve been a full time job and a full time headache for sure! So hiring JJ Safety was worth every bit of the money!
-Scott Myers
I would like to highly recommend JJ Safety for their excellent handling of our third party accounts. Outstanding customer service at every angle and Talisha Lewis is very professional in handling our personal accounts, and available for any questions we may have at any time. Thank You for Your hard work, dedication, and teamwork.
-Shane Armstrong

Some Of Our clients

We work with clients that range from all sizes from one man shows to larger enterprise businesses. These range across many different industries. We have a proven track record of understanding your specific business compliance needs and work with you to achieve them.

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