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Concrete Work


Concrete production is the process of mixing together various ingredients to produce concrete. Concrete production is time-sensitive. Once the ingredients are mixed, workers must put the concrete in place before it hardens. Concrete production takes place in a large industrial facility called a concrete plant or often a batch plant.



The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Concrete and Masonry Construction standard 1926.701 applies to the general requirements of concrete and concrete products.

Government Requirements:

29 CFR 1926.701

29 CFR 1926.703

Who Needs this Training?

Workers who handle or work with concrete must be trained in the protection and dangers of using concrete and concrete products. This training program must be in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.701 and must include specific information on the hazards and how to stay safe.

Dangers of Remaining Uncertified

All employees who use or are exposed to the hazards presented by concrete must receive training associated with concrete. If training is not administered or other safety measures are not taken, injuries and possible fatal situations may occur.

Included Topics:

By the end of this course, we will have covered the following topics:

Introduction – 0:25

Topic 1: Introduction – 1:42

Topic 2: Hazard Communication – 6:23

Topic 3: Hand and Power Tools – 6:35

Topic 4: Silica – 3:09

Topic 5: Driving Safety – 2:42

Topic 6: Mixer Truck Safety – 3:51

Topic 7: Concrete Pump Truck – 3:10

Topic 8: Concrete Plan Safety – 3:10

Topic 9: Concrete Coring – 1:29

Topic 10: Concrete Pouring – 2:31

Topic 11: Ergonomics – 2:38

Topic 12: Personal Protective Equipment – 3:20

Summary – 0:43


Annual recertification is recommended.


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