Perhaps you don’t work in a hospital or at the fire department, or even if you do, you may be wondering. “Do I have to be compliant in Bloodborne Pathogens?” “Do i have to complete training for Bloodborne Pathogens?”
The short answer is yes, if your employees have exposure to bloodborne pathogens, then yes. If you don’t work in a medical facility, perhaps you’re wondering why you would need bloodborne pathogen training.
It might be that you have a requirement in the RAVS® section of your ISNetworld® account, or you just never know when you might have to help an employee who is sick or bleeding. Maybe an employee came in sick and vomited all over the boss’s desk. Or another employee cuts his hand deep and bleeding on equipment that will need to be used. I hope none of these happen in your workplace, but we must always be prepared.
What are considered bloodborne pathogens you ask? Bloodborne Pathogens are tiny organisms in the body that can cause disease. Bloodborne Pathogens can be transmitted through contact with other people’s blood or other bodily fluids, so it is important to stay safe and clean around anyone who may have Bloodborne pathogens on them or within their body fluids. a few of the most common bloodborne pathogens are HIV, and Hepatitis B. Bloodborne Pathogens can also be Blood, Bodily Fluids (including but not limited to semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid or body fluid visibly contaminated with blood), and any other bodily substance that contains visible Blood.
There are four Bloodborne Pathogens Categories. These categories contain specific Bloodborne Pathogens according to the probability of contact with Bloodborne Pathogens. The first category is Blood – known as High-Risk. The second category is Body Fluids – known as Medium Risk. The third category is Human CellTissue/Organ Transplant.
If you are a business owner, whether you are just starting out or have been running your company for years, you will need to complete Bloodborne pathogen training at least once every year. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration enforces these rules under the General Duty Clause, which states that employers must provide “a place to each of his employees a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.
OSHA requires every employer whose employees are at risk of being exposed to bloodborne pathogens be trained annually in the preventing exposure. Bloodborne Pathogens training should be included in an employer’s Bloodborne Pathogens Program. Bloodborne Pathogens training is to teach Employees how Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted, and steps that employees must take when working around Bloodborne Pathogens. Training will normally consist of things like safe handling and disposal before any procedure, using safe and effective needle alternatives, always using safety devices such as self-sealing caps, etc. For a complete training on bloodborne pathogens, check out our in-house training program. Or can’t get all your employees in one spot? Try out our online training and have employees complete training when it’s convenient for them. However, you choose to complete training, make sure it’s effective and thorough. No one wants to be exposed to Bloodborne Pathogens and your employees will thank you knowing they work for a company that takes their well-being seriously. This will save lives.