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JJ Safety

What is Contractor Management?

Contractor Management, JJ Safety, Compliance, Avetta

What is Contractor Management?

The high level definition of contractor management is – the management of outsourced work performed for an individual company. However, this definition is broad and does not provide an adequate illustration of contractor management at a ground level. It says nothing about how contractors are managed or what kind of information is managed.

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SandBox Logisitics Joins ISNetworld®

SandBox Logistics, ISNetworld, Compliance, JJ Safety

SandBox Logisitics Joins ISNetworld®

SandBox Logistics joins  ISNetworld® to vet their carriers. SandBox Logistics is a U.S. Silica Company. They aim to help energy companies eliminate proppant delivery bottlenecks and reduce the health and safety impact of silica dust on job sites and in communities. ISNetworld® will help them manage carriers using the  review and verification services of ISNetworld®. Read More »SandBox Logisitics Joins ISNetworld®

Personal Protective Equipment Can Save Your Life

Personal Protective Equipment, Safety training, compliance, JJ Safety

Don’t forget the PPE. It will Save Your Life!

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can be easy to disregard, especially when you’ve done the same job for years and have never had an injury. You may even think to yourself: ‘I know how to work safe’, or ‘I don’t need to wear safety gear’ –  but that attitude can be dangerous.

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