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Creating an “attitude” of safety in your workplace

Safety culture

In today’s workforce environment, having a safety program “in place” is not enough. It is too easy to let your guard down.  Men and women in the workforce need to have an attitude of “Safety is my #1 Priority!” Only then, can risk to injury be mitigated significantly.

You’ll hear the term “Safety Culture” thrown around a bit.  What does it mean?

It means, that the entire workforce is “Safety Conscious” and they understand what safety looks like in their own work area. They follow safer practices because they are ingrained into their daily routine. #workplacesafety. The definition of culture is “customs, arts, and achievements, of a nation, people or social group.” Safety should be the “culture” and “customs” of any workforce.

In both 2018 and 2019 more than 5000 workers died from work related injuries. Continuing to promote safety in our workplaces will continue to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities, which would be a great achievement for any workforce. #workplacesafety

How do we create an attitude of safety throughout a workforce? Read More »Creating an “attitude” of safety in your workplace

Establishing a Safety Program

Safety Program

Are you starting a new business, or trying to establish a safety program for your current business? It’s an important question, and you might already be thinking about it. If not, it would be a good idea to get started soon!

First thing you’re probably wondering is “Where do I start?”.

Perhaps you are doing research before starting a safety program. Before deciding what type of program or specific safety items your business will need, it’s important to take an inventory of the risks that you face on a daily basis and assess where you can make changes for the best. Once you’ve completed your risk assessments, you can start to decide what changes you’d like to make.

What’s the next step? Read More »Establishing a Safety Program

What is a Mitigation Plan

A Mitigation Plan is a tool used in the prevention of workplace injuries. It is helpful in the identification of areas of improvement and documents the appropriate correction and mitigation of those areas. What defines a “risk”, you may ask? A risk can be defined as an event or condition that could have a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives if it occurs. For example, a risk in a construction environment is most associated with the health and safety of workers.

There are two main types/tiers of risk: Critical risks, which if realized would have a high impact on objectives, and non-critical or general risks, which if realized would have a lesser effect on an objective. It is important to note that mitigating critical risks may create some non-critical risks, and vice versa.

Read More »What is a Mitigation Plan