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Don’t Let Your TRIR Take You Down!

TRIR Total Recordable Incident Rate ISNetworld Avetta

Are you dealing with ISNetworld®, Avetta®, Compliance Pro, Veriforce, or any other contractor management / qualification platform and losing points for TRIR? If so, you are not alone. 

TRIR stands for Total Recordable Incident Rate, and was created by OSHA to help the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) measure a company’s work-related injuries. The Total Recordable Incident Rate can also be viewed as a ‘safety-score’. Read More »Don’t Let Your TRIR Take You Down!

PRAX Group joins ISNetworld®

PRAX Lindsey Oil Refinery Limited PRAX ISNetworld ISNetworld Compliance OSHA ISNetworld®

ISNetworld® has formed a business relationship with PRAX Group’s Lindsey Oil Refinery. PRAX Group will use ISN® as their contractor safety management system and monitor contractor safety key metrics. ISN provides a web-based platform that helps companies improve their safety performance while complying with hiring-client requirements. Lindsey Refinery will use ISN’s safety management system to connect with their contractors and improve communication and performance.  Read More »PRAX Group joins ISNetworld®

ISNetworld® and the Waiver of Subrogation Requirement

Waiver of Subrogation ISNetworld Compliance template

In the early nineties Waiver of Subrogation clauses began to appear.  ISNetworld® is no stranger to these contracts. ISNetworld® introduced Waiver of Subrogation requirements into its network that allows hiring clients to set up Waiver of Subrogation parameters within their own company profiles. This Waiver of Subrogation feature allows any participating insurer to exclude loss settlement costs from an insured’s policy so they would not have to pay them. Are you having trouble with this, by chance? Read More »ISNetworld® and the Waiver of Subrogation Requirement

Target has signed up with ISNetworld®!

Safety, ISNetworld(R), Target

Target has established a business relationship with ISNetworld®!

ISNetworld® has announced Target has recently signed up with ISN® to administer their contractor management system. Target will require contractors complete their company profile, submit documentation including OSHA forms, Insurance certificates, Safety information, written safety programs and other documentation as necessary in order to be considered in the contractor selection process. According to the letter on ISNetworld®’s website, contractors have 30 days from receipt of their welcome letter to complete the process. How can we help with this?Read More »Target has signed up with ISNetworld®!

Pembina Pipeline Corporation ISNetworld® Contractor Letter

Pembina Pipeline Corporation Uses ISNetworld® for Contractor Management

Pembina Pipeline Corporation “Pembina” has established a business relationship with ISNetworld® to enhance Pembina Pipeline’s contractor management process. If your company performs work for, or would like to work for Pembina Pipeline, you will need to become a member of ISNetworld® to complete the contractor prequalification process. If you are already a member of ISN®, you need to contact ISNetworld® to request a connection with Pembina.Read More »Pembina Pipeline Corporation ISNetworld® Contractor Letter